11 – 15 July 2022 – Radboud Summer School: Brain, Bacteria and Behaviour – understanding the gut-brain axis

In this one-week Summer School, students will learn about the role of gut microbiota in mental health and the various routes of the gut-brain axis. They will also get hands-on experience with analysing gut microbiota data, and discuss amongst each other how to design experiments investigating the role of the gut microbiome in mental health. For this course we will be inviting several experts to give lectures and workshops.

The course is open for master students, PhD students, postdocs and professionals, and no experience with gut microbiota research is required. It is however highly recommended to already have experience with the statistical program R.

The course will take place from 11 – 15 July 2022 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Registration is possible until 1 June 2022. Please note that the early bird discount for registration expires on 1 April. 

More information: https://www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool/courses/2022/brain-bacteria-behaviour-understanding-gut-brain/