Team Leader
Prof. Bru Cormand
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The University of Barcelona hosts 5,532 Professors and Researchers and 63,000 students, 10,000 of which are enrolled in Master or Ph.D. Programmes. It is the strongest University in Catalonia in terms of scientific production, with more than 5,000 SCI publications during 2016, an output of 750 Ph.D. Theses and several FP7/H2020/ERC grants. The Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics hosts the Neurogenetics Research Group, coordinated by Dr. Bru Cormand, and has excellent equipment and laboratory facilities for genetic, animal, cellular and protein studies. The Department is part of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus, which houses proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics facilities, and one of the top Next Generation Sequencing centres in Europe (the National Centre for Genomic Analysis, CNAG).